DOĞUM TARİHİ:14.10.1974
Uzmanlık Alanları
Mesleki Deneyim
A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
A1.F. Altuntaş, B. Eser, Ö. Canöz, Ö. Er, M. Özkan, S. Şıvgın, M. Çetin, A. Ünal.Kronik lenfositik lösemi/lenfomadafludarabin tabanlı kemoterapi. International Journal of
HematologyandOncology (UHOD) (ISI). 2004, Vol 14, Num 2 Page(s): 080-085
A2.B. Eser, F. Kurnaz, L. Kaynar, M. Yay, S Şıvgın, A. Ünal, M. Çetin. Areuniversitystudents a favorabletargetgroupforblooddonationcampaigns? Üniversite öğrencileri kan bağışı kampanyaları için uygun bir hedef kitle midir?Turk J Hematol (ISI). 2010; 27: 275-
81. doi:10.5152/tjh.2010.42.
A3. S. Şıvgın, B. Eser, L. Kaynar, F. Kurnaz, H. Şıvgın, S. Yazar, M. Çetin, A. Ünal. A rarecause of diarrhea -Encephalitozoonintestinalis- in an allogeneichematopoieticstemcelltransplantation (HSCT) recipientcomplicatedwithhepatotoxicityafteralbendazoletreatment. Turk J Hematol (ISI). Kasım 2011.
A4. L. Kaynar, S. Şıvgın, O. Başpınar, F. Kurnaz, A. Yıldırım, G. Metan.Twocases of H1N1 influenzainfection as theinitialpresentation of acuteleukemia. Turk J MedSci (ISI).
2011;41 (1):363-367.
A5. S. Sivgin, B. Eser, S. Bahcebasi, L. Kaynar, F. Kurnaz, E. Uzer, C. Pala, K. Deniz, A. Ozturk, M. Cetin, A. Unal. Efficacyandsafety of oral deferasiroxtreatment in theposttransplantperiodforpatientswhohaveundergoneallogeneichematopoieticstemcelltransplantation (alloHSCT). AnnHematol (ISI). 2012;91 (5):743-9. doi:10.1007/s00277011-1358-1.
A6. S. Sivgin, S. Baldane, L. Kaynar, F. Kurnaz, C. Pala, H. Sivgin, A. Ozturk, M. Cetin, A. Unal, B. Eser. Pretransplant serum ferritinlevelmay be a predictive marker foroutcomes in patientshavingundergoneallogeneichematopoieticstemcelltransplantation.
A7. S. Sivgin, T. Ozenmis, L. Kaynar, F. Kurnaz, H. Sivgin, S. Baldane, G. Zararsiz, B. Eser, A. Unal, M. Cetin. Predictive Value of Pretransplant Serum LactateDehydrogenase
(LDH) LevelsforSurvival in PatientswhohaveundergoneAllogeneicHematopoieticStem Cell Transplantation (alloHSCT). J Stem Cell ResTher 2012,
A8.E.Tekgunduz, F. Altuntas, S.Sivgin, SZ Aki, A. Donmez, P. Topcuoglu, R. Yildirim, NA Baysal, E. Ayyildiz, MK Yuksel, I Sari, M. Tombuloglu, A. Unal, O. Ilhan. Plerixaforuse in patientswithpreviousmobilizationfailure: A multicenterexperience. TransfusApherSci(ISI).2012 Aug;47(1):77-80. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2012.05.004.
A9. C. Eroglu, D. Unal, A. Cetin, O. Orhan, S. Sivgin, A. Ozturk . Effect of serum seleniumlevels on radiotherapy-relatedtoxicity in patientsundergoingradiotherapyforheadandneckcancer.AnticancerRes (ISI). 2012 Aug;32(8):3587-90.doi:0250-7005/2012.
A10.M. Ozkan, S. Sivgin, I. Kocyigit, F. Emirogullari, M. Dikilitas, L. Kaynar, Y. Ozkul, O. Er. Do thrombophilic gene mutationshave a role on thromboembolicevents in cancerpatients? AsiaPac J ClinOncol (ISI). 2012;8(3):e34-41. doi: 10.1111/j.17437563.2012.01536.x
A11.S. Sivgin, S. Baldane, L. Kaynar, F. Kurnaz, C. Pala, H. Sivgin, M. Keklik, H. Demiraslan, M. Cetin, B. Eser, A. Unal. Pretransplantironoverloadmay be associatedwithincreased risk of invasivefungalpneumonia (IFP) in patientsthatunderwentallogeneichematopoieticstemcelltransplantation (alloHSCT). TransfusApherSci(ISI).48(1):103-
8. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2012.08.003. Epub 2012 Sep 15.
A12. S. Baldane, S. Sivgin, TS. Alkan, F. Kurnaz, C. Pala, M. Keklik, A. Karaman, L. Kaynar. An atypicalpresentation of brucellosis in a patientwithisolatedthrombocytopeniacomplicatedwithuppergastrointestinaltractbleeding. Case RepMed.2012:473784. doi:
10.1155/2012/473784. Epub 2012 Oct 18.
A13. M. Keklik, S. Sivgin, C. Pala, C. Eroglu, G. Akyol, L. Kaynar, MY Koker, D. Camlica, A. Unal, M. Cetin, B. Eser. Flowcytometrymethod as a diagnostictoolforpleuralfluidinvolvement in a patientwithmultiplemyeloma. Mediterr J HematolInfectDis.
2012;4(1):e2012063. doi: 10.4084/MJHID.2012.063.
A14. S. Sivgin, H. Sivgin, Y. Ozkul, S. Baldane, L. Kaynar, F. Kurnaz, B. Eser, A. Unal, M. Cetin. PeripheralbloodsurvivinmRNAexpressionlevels at diagnosismay be associatedwithpoorprognosis in patientswithleukemiawhohaveundergoneallogeneichematopoieticstemcelltransplantation (alloHSCT). Journal of Blood Medicine. Nisan 2012.
A15.S.Sivgin, S. Baldane, L. Kaynar, F. Kurnaz, M. Baskol, M. Kula, C. Eroglu, K. Deniz, B. Eser, A. Unal, M. Cetin. SuccessfulTreatment of GastricRelapse in MultipleMyelomawithBortezomibafterAutologousHematopoieticStem Cell Transplantation (autoHSCT). Mediterr J HematolInfectDis.2013;5(1):e2013006. doi: 10.4084/MJHID.2013.006. Epub 2013 Jan 2.
A16.S. Sivgin, B. Eser. Themanagement of ironoverload in allogeneichematopoieticstemcelltransplant (alloHSCT) recipients: Where do westand? (Review) AnnHematol(ISI).2013 May;92(5):577-86. doi: 10.1007/s00277-013-1682-8. Epub 2013 Feb 22.
A17. F. Kurnaz, S. Sivgin, C. Pala, R. Yildirim, S. Baldane, L. Kaynar, M. Solmaz, A. Ozturk, B. Eser, M. Cetin, A. Unal. Theeffect of volumereplacementduringtherapeuticleukapheresis on whitebloodcellreduction in patientswithextremeleukocytosis.
Transfusion (ISI). 2013 Mar 3. doi: 10.1111/trf.12141. [Epubahead of print]
A18. M. Keklik, S. Sivgin, K. Deniz, H. Karaca, O. Kontas, S. Balkanlı, C. Eroglu, U. Abdulrezzak, G. Kuzu, L. Kaynar, M. Cetin, A. Unal, B. Eser. Coincidence of threesolidtumors in a patientwithmultiplemyeloma. ChinMed J (Engl)(ISI).2013
A19. B. Sarli, AO Baktir, H. Saglam, H. Arinc, S. Kurtul, S. Sivgin, M. Akpek, MG Kaya. Meanplateletvolume is associatedwithpoorpostinterventionalmyocardialblushgrade in patientswith ST-segmentelevationmyocardialinfarction. CoronArteryDis(ISI).2013 Mar 28. [Epubahead of print].doi: 10.1097/MCA.0b013e328360eff6
A20. C.Eroglu,L. Kaynar,O. Orhan, M. Keklik,C. Sahin, OG.Yildiz, S.Mentes,F. Kurnaz,
D. Aslan, S.Sivgin, S.Soyuer, B. Eser, M.Cetin, A. Unal.Contribution of Involved-Field
RadiotherapytoSurvival in PatientsWithRelapsedorRefractoryHodgkinLymphomaUndergoingAutologousStem Cell Transplantation. Am J ClinOncol.2013 Apr 3. (Epubahead of print) doi:10.1097/COC.0b013e3182880b9f.
A21. S. Sivgin, S. Baldane, T. Ozenmis, M. Keklik, L. Kaynar, F. Kurnaz, H. Sivgin, G. Zararsiz, M. Cetin, A. Unal, B. Eser. Theimpact of pretransplanthypoalbuminemia on survival in patientswithleukemiawhounderwentallogeneichematopoieticstemcelltransplantation (alloHSCT):A nutritional problem? TransplantationProceedings (ISI). Mart 2013.
A22.S. Sivgin, E. Karakus, L. Kaynar, F. Kurnaz, C. Pala, M. Keklik, G. Zararsiz, M. Solmaz, B. Eser, M. Cetin, A. Unal. Thecomparison of Filgrastim (Neupogen®), biosimilarfilgrastim (Leucostim®) andLenograstim (Granocyte®) as a firstlineperipheralbloodstemcellmobilisationstrategy in autologoushematopoieiticstemcelltransplantation: A singlecenterexperiencefromTurkey. TransfusApherSci(ISI).Nisan 2013.
A23. S. Korkmaz, M. Keklik, S. Sivgin, R. Yildirim, A. Tombak, M.E. Kaya, D.Y. Acik, R. Esen, S.K. Hacioglu, M. Sencan, I. Kiki, E.N. Tiftik, I. Kuku, V. Okan, M. Yilmaz, C. Demir, I. Sari, F. Altuntas, A. Unal, O. İlhan. Therapeuticplasmaexchange in patientswiththromboticthrombocytopenicpurpura: A retrospective, multicenter, study. TransfusApherSci (ISI) dx. Nisan 2013.
A24. M. Keklik, M.Y. Koker, S. Sivgin, D. Camlica, C. Pala, M. Solmaz, M. Cetin, L. Kaynar, A. Unal, B. Eser. Detection of acutelymphoblasticleukemiainvolvement in pleuralfluid in an adultpatientwithataxiatelangiectasiabyflowcytometrymethod. IndianJournal of Hematologyand Blood Transfusion (ISI). Mart 2013.
A25. M. Keklik, S. Sivgin, B.S. Kalin, G. Akyol, C. Pala, M. Solmaz, L. Kaynar, B. Eser, M. Cetin, A. Unal. Themanagement of hyperleukocytosis in an adultpatientwithacutelymphoblasticleukemiaandataxiatelangiectasia. TransfusApherSci (ISI). dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.transci.2013.04.001.Nisan 2013.
A26.M. Keklik, L. Kaynar, M. Yilmaz, S. Sivgin, M. Solmaz, C. Pala, S. Aribas, G. Akyol,
K. Unluhizarci, M. Cetin, B. Eser, A. Unal. Theresults of therapeuticplasmaexchange in Patientswith severe Hyperthyroidism: Retrospectivemulticenterstudy. TransfusApherSci (ISI). Nisan 2013.
A27. B. Sarli, A.O. Baktir, H. Saglam, H. Arinc, S. Kurtul, S. Sivgin, M. Akpek,M.G. Kaya.
Neutrophiltolymphocyteratio is associatedwithinseverity of coronaryarteryectasia.
Angiology. Nisan 2013.
A28.M. Keklik, S. Sivgin, L. Kaynar, C. Pala, M. Solmaz, M. Cetin, B. Eser, A. Unal. Treatmentwithplasmaexchangemayservebeneficaleffect in patientswith severe hyperbilirubinemia: A singlecenterexperience. TransfusApherSci (ISI). dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.transci.2013.04.009.Nisan 2013.
A29. C. Pala, İ. Altun, M.Y. Koker, F. Kurnaz, S. Sivgin, İ. Kocyigit, F. Tanriverdi, L. Kaynar, F. Elmali, M. Cetin, B. Eser. TheEffect of DiabetesMellitusandEnd-StageRenalDisease on theNumber of CD34+ Cells in the Blood. AnnHematol (ISI). Nisan 2013.
A30. E. Kaya, M. Keklik, M. Şencan, M. Yilmaz, A. Keskin, I. Kiki, M. A. Erkurt, S. Sivgin, S. Korkmaz, V. Okan, M. H. Doğu, A. Unal, M. Çetin, F. Altuntaş, O. Ilhan. Therapeuticplasmaexchange in patientswithneurologicaldiseases: Multicenterretrospectiveanalysis.
TransfusApherSci (ISI) Nisan 2013.
A31. C.Pala, H. Mumcuoglu, F. Kurnaz, S. Sivgin, L. Kaynar, M. Keklik, G. Akyol, Y. Koker,
B. Eser. Changes in CD34+ cellcount in peripheralbloodafterwholeblooddonation.
TransfusApherSci(ISI).2013 May 14. pii: S1473-0502(13)00140-7. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2013.04.038. [Epubahead of print]
A32. L. Kaynar, G. Metan, S. Gokahmetoglu, F. Kurnaz, H. Mumcuoglu, A. Ozturk, S. Sivgin, C. Pala,O. Yildiz, B. Eser, A. Unal, M. Cetin. Can low-dosepreemptivevalganciclovirreplacestandardintravenousganciclovirtreatment in recipients of allogeneicstemcelltransplantation? Journal of Chemotherapy joc234.3d.
A33.S. Sivgin, S. Baldane, G. Akyol, M. Keklik, L. Kaynar, F. Kurnaz, C. Pala, G. Zararsiz, M. Cetin, B. Eser, A.Unal. The oral ironchelatordeferasiroxmightimproveposttransplantsurvival in allogeneichematopoieticcelltransplant (alloHSCT) recipientswithtransfusionalironoverload. TransfusApherSci (ISI). Temmuz 2013.
A34.Doğan S., Çelikbilek M., Zararsiz G., Deniz K., Şivgin S., Güven K., et al.,"Red Blood
Cell Distribution Width as a Non-Invasive Marker fortheAssessment of Inflammation in
Non-AlcoholicSteatohepatitis", HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY, vol.62, pp.393-398, 2015.
A35. Keklik M., Eser B., Kaynar L., Şivgin S., Keklik E., Solmaz M., et al.,"Comparison ofplateletpheresis on theFenwalAmicus, Fresenius COM.TEC, andTrimaAccel Cellseparators", JOURNAL OF CLINICAL APHERESIS, vol.30, pp.171-175, 2015.
A36.Inanç M., Kaynar L., Enhoş Ş., Pala Ç., Karaca H., Berk V., Özkan M., Şivgin S., EserB., Çetin M., Elmali F., "NuclearFactor-Kappa B LigandAndOsteoprotegerinLevelsInSerum AndGingivalCrevicularFluidInPatientsWith Bone MetastasesTreatedWithZoledronicAcid", MEDICAL ONCOLOGY, vol.31, pp.0-0, 2014.
A37. Pala C., Kaynar L., Büyükoğlan R., Kurnaz F., Metan G., Yazar Sivgin S , et al.,"Diarrhea in peripheralstemcelltransplantrecipients: a developingcountry'sexperience", JOURNAL OF INFECTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, vol.8, pp.635-641, 2014
A38. Serdar Sivgin, Sinan Nazlim, GokmenZararsiz, Osman Baspinar, Leylagul Kaynar, Mustafa Cetin, Ali Unal, Bulent Eser. Increased bone marrowironscores (BMIS) arestronglycorrelatedwithelevated serum ferritinlevelsandpoorersurvival in patientswithironoverloadthatunderwentallogeneichematopoieticstemcelltransplantation (alloHSCT): A singlecenterexperience. ClinicalLymphoma, Myeloma&Leukemia. March 2016.
A39. Serdar Sivgin, Mehmet Fatih Karamustafaoglu, Esra Yildizhan, GokmenZararsiz, Leylagul Kaynar, Bulent Eser, Mustafa Cetin, Ali Unal.Theprognosticsignificance ofelevated serum ferritinlevelspriortotransplantation in patientswithlymphomathatunderwentautologoushematopoieticstemcelltransplantation (autoHSCT): Role of ironoverload. ClinicalLymphoma, Myeloma&Leukemia. March 2016.
A40.Serdar Sivgin,SuleymanBaldane, Kemal Deniz,GokmenZararsiz, Leylagul Kaynar,Mustafa Cetin, Ali Unal, Bulent Eser.Increasedhepaticironcontent (HIC) predictspoorsurvival in patientswithironoverloadthatunderwentallogeneichematopoieticstemcelltransplantation (alloHSCT).March 2016.
A41.Baran M,Canoz O,Altuntas H,SivginS,Cetin M,Yay A,Ketenci S.
Immunohistochemicalinvestigation of P16, P53 and Ki-67's prognosticvalues in diffuselarge B-Cell lymphomas. BratislLekListy.2017;118(10):602-608. doi: 10.4149/BL L2017. 116
A42. Passamonti F,Griesshammer M,Palandri F,Egyed M,Benevolo G,Devos T,CallumJ,Vannucchi AM,SivginS,Bensasson C,Khan M,Mounedji N,Saydam G.Ruxolitinibforthetreatment of inadequatelycontrolledpolycythaemiaverawithoutsplenomegaly (RESPONSE-2): a randomised, open-label, phase 3b study. LancetOncol.2017 Jan;18(1):88-99. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(16)30558-7. Epub 2016 Dec 2.
Ruxolitinibforthetreatment of inadequatelycontrolledpolycythemiaverawithoutsplenomegaly: 80week follow-upfromthe RESPONSE-2 trial.
2018 May 27. doi: 10.1007/s00277018-3365-y. [Epubahead of print].